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Tie Dye Mystery Midi

Mystery Midi

This mysterious outfit appears on the packaging for the first year Rock Flower products, despite not being any of the produced fashions. It also appears in the paper doll book, as well as on the second year doll packages as an example of a fashion in the "Tie Dye Trio".... which it is not. The outfit likely is a fashion that was designed and prototyped as part of the 1971 Tie Dye fashion line, and replaced late enough in development that it had already made it into the packaging and paper doll artwork. The question remains then why it still appears on the 1972 doll boxes as by then one would think they'd know it hadn't been released? This Tie Dye mystery midi outfit resembles both the skirt from 1972's Indian Midi fashion and the shirt from 1972's Overall Blue fashion, so it's possible the clothing patterns were reused in later fashions.

Midi Comparison